August 28, 2011

Mario Kart Wii

Date played: August 27th and 28th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Double Dash is the Mario Kart game I played the most
My four brothers and their girlfriends/fiances came over for a visit and one of my bros asked to play the new Mario Kart so I obliged.  We played half a dozen races or so, passing the controllers around.  We played two player online and did pretty well overall but never placed on the podium.

I also played two GP's to finish the 50cc cups.  I unlocked Rosalina, the chick from Super Mario Galaxy and I was happy to see that she is a large character so I can use her and it feels right.  I also unlocked Diddy Kong, some karts and bikes in 50cc.

I also played some online races with my girlfriend the next day and she still has trouble with drifting but she is doing better now that she knows the tracks.

If there is one thing I miss from previous MK games it's the special attacks per character.  That was one of the cooler things in Double Dash.