August 11, 2011

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Date played: August 10th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I finished DKCR.  What an amazing game in every way.  I've really enjoyed playing this, it was hard but fair. I didn't really have to worry about the collectibles except for the KONG letters which open up all the bonus levels. The controls are tight and responsive.  The music is good enough.  The art is fantastic.  I cannot praise this game enough!
Jump Diddy!

The last few levels were actually pretty hard.  I must have lost 40 lives on one of them.  I still love to play because it always feels like you're making progress, similar to Super Meat Boy.  The last boss was pretty easy but I still died a few times.  I also unlocked a very difficult mirror mode which I will never play.

SPOILER I also should mention that the last level that is unlocked when all bonus levels are completed is stupid funny.  It's a flying fruit level.  That's right, DK jumps and slides his way across giant bananas, blueberries, strawberries, peaches and cherry bombs!  It's a really fun reward and it's not impossible to beat.
The coolest level in the game


This is one of the top games I've played this year, up there with Portal 2 and Dead Space  2.