August 13, 2011

From Dust demo

Date played: August 12th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

I was excited for this but it was a bit too frustrating to me.  This is a God game where you get to control the elements (Fire, Water, Earth) to make pathways and protect a group of tribal humans.  The game looks amazing and has a good concept.  I often messed up my bridges and dams though, I think it's because the game is so reliant on physics that....well, dams break due to water pressure and bridges are overrun by waterways.

I was very tired when I played so maybe I should give it another chance.  There are some really cool elements like connecting land so that vegetation spreads and attracts animals.  It makes things pretty interesting but I was frustrated by my constructions not holding together.