August 13, 2011

Driver San Francisco demo

Date played: August 12th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Will this be the next Driver or the next Driv3r?
I was expecting the worst when I started up this demo but I was surprised to see that Driver SF is not a total piece of shit.  The graphics look a little too clean for a game like this but it runs at a very nice framerate and has nice car models and effects.

I played three short missions.  The first was a tutorial on the shifting mechanic.  This is a weird thing, Tanner can basically shift into any car at any time.  I'm not sure why or how he does this but it seems like a pretty cool game mechanic.

The second mission was a two vs two race where I had to use the shift mechanic to keep both cars on my team ahead of the other team.

The last mission was more traditional Driver.  Grab a car, run away from the cops.  This was the most fun in the demo.  The game feels pretty good right now but it's tough to say from a 15 minute demo.  I will keep an eye on reviews for this one that's for sure.