August 18, 2011

Infamous 2

Date played: August 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed the mission I had failed the last time in a few seconds by using the powerful Ionic storm.  I just lined it up with the three trucks and went to town!  I then played a couple of side missions and one big story mission.

Look at all those red dots on the map!
This was the first mission where I had to restore power to a section of the city, on the eastern side of the first island.  I seem to remember this was a bigger deal in the first game but it's been a while since I played it.  The mission was pretty interesting, I had to reach a generator and then guide a flying Tesla Missile from the first generator to the next generator.  Then I had to run over to the second generator and stand close to charge it for a couple of minutes.  The kicker is that the location gets assaulted by a bunch of enemies, more than I had to deal with in any previous mission.  I was saved again more than once by the Ionic storm.  Then I had to repeat the process two or three more times.  I died a few times but I eventually got through and now power is back in that section.

I then spent some time gathering dead drops and blast shards in the new area.  The missions are still pretty varied which makes it fun to just keep playing.