August 13, 2011

Killzone 3

Date played: August 12th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished Killzone 3!  What a fucking crazy ride this was...  This game really feels like a roller coaster throughout.  I spent time killing Higgs in various areas like a kind of scrap yard, a space ship and while manning various mounted weapons.  I also destroyed a gigantic mechanized weapon called the MAWLR.

The MAWLR fight was truly epic and a highlight of the game.  I mean, this is how you do a boss fight in a first person shooter.  Instead of shooting a man with more bullets than you need to bring down a herd of elephants, you get to shoot a huge machine and see it's different parts fall off as the fight progresses.

Now THIS is how you do a boss fight!
The last little bit of the game is a mounted gun sequence but this time, it's in a space fighter.  It's a nice change of scenery and it works in the context of the story.  Speaking of story, it was actually pretty good and the ending is quite interesting.  I will be selling this game though, I won't replay the campaign and I didn't get hooked by the multiplayer.

Overall, I am glad I played this game and recommend it to FPS fans and graphics whores!