August 30, 2011


Activision should not have closed down these guys
Date played: August 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I think I need my online fix.  Someone in my family destroyed my Black Ops disc unfortunately so I will have to be content with other games for now.  I decided to go back to Blur for a few races.  It was actually quite sad that the little counter in the multiplayer menu indicated there were only 194 players online.  This game is dead and that's a fucking shame.

Either way, I did manage to get into a nice big 18 player race.  I was rusty as hell though and didn't do very well except one race where I placed second.  I played about four or five races and had a good time, I just wish Bizarre Creations was still around to make a sequel.