October 21, 2012

XCOM Enemy Unknown

Date played: October 20th and 21st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

I finished XCOM.

This is easily the best game I have played this year. It had everything I like in a video game and more. I finally managed to build a better fighter ship to intercept a large alien cruiser. When we brought it down and cleared it out, we recovered a device that allowed us to research and develop psychic abilities for a few "gifted" soldiers.

Along the way, I met my first Ethereal enemy, a sort of overlord with bad ass mind control and psychic attacks. Fortunately, they are weak physically so my snipers took it out easily. I played a ton more missions, getting all plasma weapons for my crew and even some weird armor sets. One of them has jet engines so the soldier can fly and the other increases the wearer's psychic abilities.

In the end, I assaulted the alien mothership and fought my way through to it's boss. I encountered tons of aliens but also some very large robots called Sectopods. These things have something like 45 health so they take a real effort to down.

Three of the final crew, Luc Moleski, L-A Vaillant and Olivier Allen
The last room of the level was quite nasty, having two elite Mutons and three Ethereals. The first time I attempted it, three of my guys got mind controlled and I was just fucked. I reloaded but this time, I kept my distance and used my psychic soldier's abilities to mitigate the risk of mind control. It worked out and my trusty sniper finally killed the last boss. In a cool but brief ending scene, my psychic soldier took down the mothership and stopped the alien invasion.....for now.