October 4, 2012

Resistance 3

Date played: October 3rd
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

Now I remember why I like this series so much. The guns. Insomniac always has amazing weapons for their games and Resistance 3 is no exception. I played through to chapter 8 and am now in St-Louis. It started with a boat ride with the crazy doctor guy. We are just trying to get to New York, I sort of forget why.... it doesn't matter really.

The boat level was cool but not that much fun to play because the it's really confined to a small area. On the bright side, it introduced the Rossmore, a close range shotgun, and the Marksman, by far my favorite weapon in Resistance 2. I also found a weird electro-magnetic shock weapon of sorts with a singularity-ish gravity well effect. It works amazingly against weak enemies that swarm you. Then there is the sniper, which is just a sniper...

Once in St-Louis, I met up with fellow resistance fighters who I helped survive a large Chimeran attack. There were some really tough enemies and I had to use everything in my power to survive. These kinds of fights are what I really like this series for. Resistance games get too much shit and are under appreciated.