October 20, 2012

XCOM Enemy Unknown

Date played: October 16th, 17th and 18th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

My sniper is my favorite soldier
This is now my game of the year, easily. I've now built a Hyperwave relay and intercepted a mothership signal but I don't have any ships strong enough to take it down yet. I've also built more satellites, I now have a total of 10. I've also researched plasma weapons, which are very strong, but I'm running into resource issues. I always seem to be short on money, alloys, elerium and weapon fragments... I managed to build one good plasma rifle and have picked up a few from enemies in the fields.

My council reports have been very good so far, scoring mostly A's and one B. I have also been running into a new type of enemy, the Mutons. These guys seem like the real front line soldier of the aliens. They have a lot of health, dangerous weapons and are hard to hit. They also have a berserker variant that just rushes like crazy and doesn't take cover. There's some mini ufo's too that have high health but haven't been a real threat just yet. There's so much going on in this game, I just want to keep playing. ONE MORE TURN!