October 9, 2012

Resistance 3

Date played: October 8th and 9th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 7/10

I finished Resistance 3.

Well, this was clearly the best game in the series. It looked great, it played great, had amazing weapons and a cool upgrade mechanic and was just plain fun. There were a few boring or long parts but mostly, it was enjoyable. I played through Pennsylvania which started with a crazy train ride. This was the first time in the series where I fought humans and not Chimera. It was pretty interesting but they honestly fought like weak Chimeran foot soldiers. The train ride had me shoot at those guys riding trucks close to the train and eventually blowing up every car in the train except the last one. Then we got rammed off the tracks by a Widowmaker STAMPEDE! That's right. In the end, the old doctor was beheaded by the human leader and I was brought to their prison camp.

I found out they were prisoners who took over the prison when the attacks happened. They put me in a pit, Thunderdome style, to fight some weak Chimera and other humans with a sledgehammer. Then I escaped the prison with the help of a small group of normal people, using a weapon known as the Mutator. This one turns people into explosive bubbles... kind of cool.

Fuck you Chimera. Fuck you.
After all this stuff, I killed the leader of the prison in an epic scene and headed out to NYC. This is where the game said, fuck it, you're on enemy ground and you're going to be completely fucking swarmed. It was fun, it was hard and it was just plain old combat. The very last chapters take place in a large terraformer that Capelli and Charlie take down to close the interstellar portal these bitches used to attack human kind. In the end, we won, the portal is closed and the remaining Chimera are being killed slowly but surely. Yay humanity!