October 25, 2012

NHL 13

Date played: October 24th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I visited one of my brothers last night and he had a friend over so we played some three player NHL 13. We started with a game of me vs them, myself as the Sens and the other team as the Habs. I won in 3-2 in OT with a lucky pass from behind the net that hit the goalie's skate and bounced to the back to their net.

We then played a two player game, me vs my bro. He beat the shit out of me 4-0 and while my play wasn't that bad, he is a very good shot and takes advantage of any opportunity. To end the night, we played a few online games with all three of us playing against others teams. We won both games, though it was pretty close. It was actually pretty amazing to see how much flexibility having three human players gave us. We made some really creative plays and surprised the other guy.