October 29, 2012

Final Fantasy VI

A true classic
Date played: October 28th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 9/10

This is a game that has greatly influenced my gaming hobby and in many ways, my life. I first played this during my formative years on SNES. I must have been around 12 years old or so. It was a game that helped me learn English, it was a game that helped me appreciate games more complicated than NHL 95 and Super Mario Kart. It was a game that opened my eyes to different types of games.

It still holds up.

While I never actually completed it back in the 90's, I played a ton of it and it feels as good today as it did back then. I played through the first two hours of the game. I met Terra, Locke, Edward, Sabin, Shadow, Banon and even Cyan. It's amazing after all these years how deep all these characters are even with limited interaction. Kefka is as evil and funny as ever too! And that MUSIC! Soooooo good. I can't wait to relive some of the best moments in video game history.