November 11, 2017


Date played: November 8th
Platform: PS4

It had been a while since I played Overwatch, so I was really rusty. I only played about 3 matches because I had to put in a lot more effort to get the same results as usual, so I was exhausted from my games. I played one match as Reinhardt, one as Winston and one as Symmetra. Unfortunately, I'm not able to post a video since I'm in a hotel with very slow internet.

The Reinhardt match was good and helped me get back into the swing of things. I did well, though nothing amazing. The Winston match is where thinsg got really crazy. Since the last time I played, Blizzard has updated the game's vibration feedback and it makes a huge difference in how Winston feels. It rumbles when he's dealing damage now, making it a lot easier to "feel". It's hard to explain, but it makes a huge difference to me.

I played really well as Winston, I even got 4 silver medals at the end. I was fast, aggressive and focused on the healers and Pharah. I was completely exhausted after the match, but we won and I did really well. The last match as Symmetra was slower paced of course, but I did well there too.