February 22, 2013

Gran Turismo 5

Date played: February 20th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 4/10

Fuck, I really need a good racing game. While GT5 is really good once on the track, all the awful menu navigation is fucking killing me. I decided to play one of the early events that requires a French car to complete. I bought a nice little Peugeot 207 GTI and pimped it out.

Now here's the problem with this, all this took a solid 20 minutes due to the awful mess of a UI and menu system. Then I raced on Circuit de la Sarthe and won easily. The actual racing is the only really good part of this absurd game. I raced for 5 minutes and I had fun. However, in order to take the picture in this post, it took me another 15 minutes since every time I want to see my picture, it's a 3 minute load period. I completed the second event, won a shitty car and took out the disc.

I think I'm really desperate for some good racing action and have no where to go. I played through the newest Need for Speed. Dirt Showdown is less about racing and more about other modes and I really don't want to turn on my Xbox for Forza Horizon which I don't even own. That makes me very pumped to play Grid 2...