February 26, 2013


Date played: February 24th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finally played FTL and loved it so much, I made three runs in a row. This is a weird game in every sense of the word. I guess it's a spaceship simulator... Our ship is being chased through the galaxy by a rebel fleet of some sort and we must reach the last sector to take out the mothership.

The ship has many rooms, each with their own functions. For example, the shield room powers the ship's shields while the med bay heals any crew members in it. Each area has a probability that you will be forced to dogfight an enemy ship. Combat is governed by the weapons on board, cool down timers, ammo, power consumption, the weapon room and it's crew as well as shields. All that is housed in a real-time/turn-based hybrid system that works really well and is completely addicting.

My first run I was learning the systems but still managed to reach the end boss sector on Easy. Unfortunately, I was so low on money, I couldn't afford fuel anymore and my crew drifted through space until the end of time. It was quite dramatic.

Quick, put out that fire in the oxygen room!
I somehow unlocked another model of ship for my second run, this one more focused on drones instead of guns. I liked this ship better honestly. I was able to disable the enemy ship's shields with an ion cannon then damaged it slowly with my drones. I ran into damage output problems though, I should have bought some better guns earlier. I eventually lost because I wasn't able to do enough damage and got overwhelmed. My ship survived but my crew was eaten alive by mantis people.

My last run was horrible. I went back to the first ship, thinking I would have a better handle on things the second time around only to lose horribly due to funding problems. I ran out of money to buy ammo and was out of options. Eventually, my ship was destroyed before my warp drive was able to boot up.

I found this game to be very addictive and fun, yet complex. It's also really fucking hard, even on easy. I'm not sure I will play it again though, I feel like I've seen the gist of what the game has to offer, though I would like to see other ships.