December 23, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3

Taking over forts is really fun
Date played: December 22nd and 23rd
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a lot of Assassin's Creed 3 but I didn't complete a single story mission. I spent my time collecting the remaining almanac pages in Boston, I explored the underground a little bit (it sucks), I completed all carrier missions and I picked random fights with enemies just for fun. I also cleared two forts, one in Boston proper and one at the edges of the Frontier.

The first fort was really easy and I actually managed to kill all the enemies and stay hidden. The second fort was a different story though. I pretty much had to run in and face the music head on. I fought my way through the fort, slaughtering everyone in my path. It was quite satisfying actually since the combat feels a lot better than ever before in the series. It's closer to Batman now which is good. I also found the sasquatch, a kleptomaniac hermit with a fur coat and hat, it was pretty amusing. In the end, I managed to do all the side missions that had markers on the map so next time, I will continue the story.