December 2, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3

Miiverse is really cool 
Date played: December 2nd
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

My assassin dude is building a posse it seems. I've now recruited two more dudes to help find the precursor site. The first I saved from torture by sneaking around some docks and killing his captors stealthily. The other guy I saved from some red coat thugs but I had to tail them for a while. I found that using the rooftops was the easiest way.

Most of my time with the game today was actually spent exploring Boston to find all the synch points, usually on top of very high buildings. It was fun to find all the little notes on each historically significant place I ran into, like the Tree of Liberty or all the important churches. I also took advantage of Miiverse features I hadn't tried yet. For example, when I press the home button on the Gamepad, it takes a screenshot that can be posted on that game's section of Miiverse. So far, it's a really cool community, it feels like a mix of a gaming message board and Facebook. I like it a lot...