November 12, 2012

Soul Calibur V

Date played: November 9th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well, I just love playing Soul Calibur with friends on a couch. Four of us played a few hours of Soul Calibur V's versus mode. This was my first time playing V and while it has a few cool new things, it's still Soul Calibur as I know and love it. As usual, I stuck mostly to Astaroth. He fits my style. I like to hang back and control the pace of the fight, like I do with Dhalsim in Street Fighter, and Astaroth's long range and powerful attacks make him perfect for me. I did pretty well when I picked him, having the stiffest competition from one of my brothers, the one who uses Nightmare all the time.

I also played a few other characters. Lizard Man has a new name and he doesn't play the same, yet I still had fun with him. There's a new dude that is straight out of Odyssey to the West, monkey tail and all, that was pretty fun to play. Hilde also plays a bit better than before and is sort of becoming my second best character, slowly but surely. Again, she controls the battle with pacing and range. There's even Ezio from Assassin's Creed in there, and he plays surprisingly well. My other brother uses Cervantes which is good, but vulnerable to side steps, or at least my brother is. The lady of the group usually used Ivy and despite being a complete button masher, she seems to have found a button mashing rhythm that works well with Ivy. She is not to be under estimated. I'm not sure what I've played warrants upgrading my copy of IV to V but I still had an amazing time.