November 14, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Date played: November 13th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10


Man, I wasn't even going to buy this but just about everyone I know that plays games is getting this so I just cracked and got it anyway. Honestly, I was super impressed. I only played multiplayer so far (it's the only mode that really matters anyway) and it is noticeably improved from MW3 and the first Black Ops. The classes work differently now. You basically have 10 slots to choose items, perks, guns, equipment and attachments. That means I can have two level 1 perks if I want but I might be sacrificing some concussion grenades for it. It works well so far and it's fun to really customize your class as you like it. The graphics are also much better, everything just seems cleaner and smoother.

I played a ton of Team Deathmatch, enough to bring me up to the mid-teens somewhere. As usual, I stick to the LMG's but the multiplayer is set in 2025 so that means the guns are a bit different than usual. Honestly, I have the same play style I've always had which is to be a big, slow, bullet spitting motherfucker. I cover my angles and don't sprint much and that is usually very successful. I am sitting at a 1.0 K/D ratio which indicates   I should be much better than that when I learn the maps and get more comfortable. The kill streaks are now point streaks now and that means I can gain some kill streaks from my constant destruction of aircraft. The kill streaks are pretty cool too but I'll get into that another day, I need more hands on time with them first.