November 27, 2012

Nintendo Land

Date played: November 25th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played a bit more Nintendo Land, this time with my girlfriend and my very non-gamer mom. A cool thing about this game is the train that roams the park. Get on, pick a time slot of 15, 30 or 45 minutes and the game sets up some events to fit your needs. We picked a short 15 minute event, basically three events, where each player gets a turn at the Gamepad to pick the next game and be the Gamepad player in that game if it's simultaneous.

We ended up playing one round of Luigi's Mansion, two rounds of Animal Crossing's mini-game and an extra round of Chase Mii for good measure after the train ride. Luigi's Mansion didn't work out too well. It's a bit too complicated for a first time player and I had the Gamepad so I caught them both in less than a minute. Animal Crossing is quite another beast though. The player with the Gamepad actually controls TWO characters at once, one for each analog stick, and must catch the other players who are collecting candies. If the others are caught, they lose their candy. The game is won when either the remote players carry enough candy on them or time runs out. This was a ton of fun...  Of course, Chase Mii is pretty damn brilliant as it's basically Pac-Man VS, this was easy for everyone and was just good old fashioned fun.