November 25, 2012

Paper Mario Sticker Star

Date played: November 23rd, 24th and 25th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 7/10

I played another large portion of Sticker Star, some of which was done during the disturbing long updates to the Wii U and it's games. I played through the entire third world, by far the largest and longest so far. I had to recover the parts that Wiggler lost to Kamek throughout different levels. They even run away and hide in different levels sometimes.

Wiggler is such a nice guy but don't fuck with him!
One of the highlights of the forest world was an amazing level set in a Snifit game show. Mario had to answer trivia questions, play a game of whack-a-snifit and play a hidden marble game to get through and gain some thing stickers. After recovering the Wiggler parts, he helped me get across a large body of poisonous water to take on the boss, an Octopus. Again, I resorted to a FAQ to avoid trial and error frustration but otherwise, it was a cool fight. I had to use a sponge to absorb the octopus's poison spit.

Finally, to reach the fourth world, I had to cut the ropes off a boat with some scissors, light a dark room with a light bulb and put a helm in the boat. As soon as we set sail, we got attacked by a gigantic Cheep-Cheep. I had to use a giant fishing hook to keep him on the shore and whittle down his HP with stickers. The next world is an icy mountain, I can't wait to see what happens there.