November 8, 2012

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation

Date played: November 7th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Lady person negotiates before stabbing
Three years have passed, Aveline is back in New Orleans and the Spaniards have taken over the city from the French. It seems now that she is trying to release slaves as much as possible, including some new side missions. I have a headquarter now too which is run by Mr. Blanc. It has a changing room, weapon racks, costumes and even a new money generating mini game that involves buying and selling goods to different towns using ships.

That part is a little weird, kind of boring and probably useless as money doesn't seem to be really critical to this game. I can now buy some shops too, the first being a tailor shop. To do that, I used a new weapon for the lady person, a parasol/blow dart combo to do a stealth infiltration of the previous owner's office. Then I played a few missions and eventually, was sent back to the Bayou to find more information on slavers and how to defeat them.