September 2, 2016


Date played: August 30th, 31st and September 1st
Platform: PS4 / PC

In the last 3 days, I've played a bit of Overwatch, though not as much as usual, it's been pretty busy. I've been experimenting with Tracer, Zenyatta and even Roadhog a little bit and it's been great. I'm probably doing it wrong, but I'm playing Tracer kind of like people play Soldier 76. I stay with the team, I shoot important targets and I zip around to escape when needed. I mean, I'll flank sometimes, but that's not really how I use her for now.

Roadhog has been super interesting. I feel like he's only useful in certain types of team matchups, and kind of sucks on payload maps, but he's extremely powerful when it works. His hook is deadly, his gun hits like a fucking truck, and he can survive a LOT of fire due to his high health pool and heal. I like him, though he's been situational so far.

I had an amazing play as Reinhardt on Route 66 defense. During the last segment of the map, I managed to stun 5 enemies with my ultimate. I then charged into the thick of it and managed to get eliminations on all 5. Obviously, I had lots of help from my team... Nevertheless, it's really satisfying to hear "Quintuple kill" from the announcer!

Now, let's talk about one of the most difficult maps to win as the attackers, Hanamura. Set in Japan, the map features Japanese shrines, temples and streets. The first point lies behind a large gate, which is the map's biggest choke point. This is a really fun spot to defend. I obviously love Reinhardt here, but I've also had success with Symmetra, Roadhog, Zarya and Tracer. Symmetra is particularly fun because she can set up her turrets in deadly spots, and can shoot her giant energy orbs down the chokepoint.

As the attackers, it's hard to break through this choke point, but usually a good flanker will distract the front line long enough for a team push. There's a little window that can be used to bypass the gate, so D.Va, Winston, Pharah, Genji, Hanzo and Reaper often go through this opening and try to get on point.

Point A is relatively straight forward. There is a large bell in the middle, making for some good cover while fighting on point. There's also a deadly cliff behind the point where Lucio and D.Va love to get some environmental kills.

It's after the first point that shit gets real crazy though. Point B is one of the most difficult, frustrating points to capture in the game. A big reason for that is how the whole area is designed. Don't get me wrong, I've won many games as the attackers here, but it always seems to require a bigger effort than other maps of this type.

The point is rather large and sits inside a temple. This temple has at least 4 ways to enter, but 2 of them require characters with movement abilities like Reaper or Pharah. On one side is a room that is next to a ledge, with a hallway leading directly on point. You'll often see Genji and Tracer harassing teams from here, though also see bigger pushes sometimes.

On the other side is a very high ledge that is often occupied by Bastions, Torbjorns and snipers. If the defensive team is strong, they can hold this spot until the end of the match. There's also a little ledge behind the point that is protected by a wall, so defenders can use this place to hide, to set up turrets or to heal from relative safety.

Battles are always entertaining on Hanamura. Ultimates fly all over the place and only big, coordinated pushes can win this map.