September 11, 2016

DOOM demo

Date played: September 11th
Platform: PS4

I've had my eye on this game for a while, as it received great reviews when it came out earlier this year. I've played the first two Doom games, like anyone my age who had any interest in PC gaming back in the 90's. I loved them of course, they were amazing, violent, unique and they were the pioneers of first-person shooters.

DOOM (2016) is a brand new game that attempts to recreate the feeling of playing the original Doom games. The demo was short, but it had shotguns, fireball throwing imps, demons and lots and lots of violence.

The game has beautiful graphics. Everything is highly detailed and the lighting is really good. Combat is simple but satisfying. The pistol is weak, but the shotgun is incredible fun to use. The key mechanic that makes the game is how the stun works. When enemies are shot a few times, they'll stagger a little bit and glow blue or orange. When I get close, I can initiate a melee attack to trigger an absurdly violent animation where I dismember the hell spawn demons.

This works because it forces the player to be very aggressive and "get in there". To make this even more fun, there's no reloading in the game, so the action is fast, furious and violent. I definitely loved what I played, if I were able to get this game for cheap, I would buy it in an instant.