September 9, 2016


Date played: September 6th, 7th and 8th
Platform: PS4 + PC

Lately, I've been playing a lot of Eichenwalde, but that doesn't mean I haven't played the other modes. I played a bit of Quick Play and a few competitive placement matches. I actually ended up trying Bastion while defending on Eichenwalde and... I was really good with him.

To be fair, that map is really good for Bastion because there are many choke points with long range sight lines. I don't really enjoy playing him, his style is kind of boring, but he can be very useful. I even got Play of the Game a couple of times with him.

Enough about that, though, it's time that I talked in depth about Numbani, a hybrid map. The attackers begin inside an airport terminal in the city of Numbani, a fictional metropolis that straddles the border of Ghana and Nigeria. A snaking street leads to the payload point. There are few flanking opportunities in the opening section, so most defending teams end up staying on point instead of trying to hold the line further ahead.

Just before getting to the point, there are 4 paths that can lead to the objective, though they only provide two real attack lines. One from the front, one from one side. The frontal attack makes heroes like Reinhardt, Zarya, McCree, Zenyatta and Soldier 76 shine. The side route benefits heroes like Roadhog, Mei, Junkrat, Genji, Reaper and Tracer.

Near the point, there are many catwalks, making Widowmaker, Bastion, Torbjorn and Hanzo great defense choices. There's also a side door for the defenders to reach the point without using the main route. Once the payload gets moving, things get more interesting.

The first checkpoint is usually really easy to reach since it's not too far from the first point, and the defenders spawn pretty far away. There's a large building that people like to use as a shortcut or even as a defensive position for characters like Junkrat and Pharah. The main road is a bitch here too, with long range heroes having the advantage.

The final portion of the map is rough, but isn't nearly as difficult as most other hybrid maps. Here, there are many side routes and hiding spots for defenders to set up. Mei and Bastion can cause major issues for the attackers when they are on the defending side. There's often giant melees here, with ultimates flying everywhere and bodies hitting the floor quickly.

Numbani is a very pretty map, and it's one of the most straightforward layouts in the game. It's still a really fun map.