September 25, 2016

Zen Pinball 2

Date played: September 24th
Platform: PS4

I was kind of tired last night, and I wasn't doing too well in Overwatch, so I decided to buy a few new pinball tables in Zen Pinball 2. It's a good game to play for a few minutes and it doesn't require intense concentration.

I bought a pack of 3 new tables, all themed around the Alien film franchise. The first table I played was Alien: Isolation, based on the Sega video game. It's a really complex table because the alien is roaming around and attacks Ripley. Ripley has health and ammo that must be managed, and she must hide from the alien to avoid it's attacks. To do this, well, you play pinball. The table itself is well made, with many fun ramps and challenging shots. The animations are spectacular, with the alien literally crawling on the frame of the table, something that could never be done in the real world.
Alien: Isolation in pinball form
The second table I played is based on Aliens VS Predator. I think this one was my favorite because of the fluidity of the ramps. This is a fast table, but it's friendly, with many easy to hit ramps. I have to help the Predator fight the aliens by uncovering their hiding spots and hitting them with the ball. It's a simpler table, but I enjoyed it more than the Isolation table.

Finally, I played the third table, based on the Aliens movie. This is the most "classic" of the tables. It even has a bit of a retro feel because of the voice lines from the movies and the way the table is made. There's a bunch of missions here, based on the movie. I didn't actually get to do much in this one, but I definitely enjoyed what I played so far.