September 16, 2016


Date played: September 12th, 13th, and 14th
Platform: PS4

I've talked about every map in depth, so I figured, why not do the same thing with the heroes?  For every hero post, I'll list their role, difficulty (as per the game's rating), hit points, armor, shields and total health pool before going into detail. I'll also include my favorite quote from the hero. At then end, I'll also give the hero a rating out of 5. In order to do this properly, I will ensure I play at least one full match as the hero before I post about them.

Today's hero is Reinhardt.

Role: Tank
Difficulty: ★
HP: 300
Armor: 200
Shields: 0
Total: 500

Favorite quote: "Hahahahaha, I'm the ultimate crushing machine."
Favorite map to play on: Eichenwalde


Reinhardt Wilhelm is a towering German man who dons a giant suit of armor and wields a rocket-powered hammer. He's fucking badass and he looks like it. His various skins are all really cool, though I have a preference for the new Eichenwalde inspired skins. 


  • Rocket Hammer: Reinhardt swings his big hammer in a wide arc, hitting anyone within 5 meters of his field of view for 75 damage.
  • Barrier Field: A huge shield with 2000 hit points. This is Reinhardt's defining ability. It projects a very wide, forward facing shield. He moves slower while he has it up and cannot see behind him without lowering the shield or turning around, exposing himself to enemy fire.
  • Charge: Reinhardt charges at high speed in front of him. Deals 50 damage when hitting someone, and deals 300 damage if someone is pinned to a wall with it. Can be steered slightly.
  • Fire Strike: Throws a flaming projectile that passes through shields, barriers, and enemies. Deals 100 damage. 
  • Ultimate - Earthshatter: HAMMER DOWN! Reinhardt smashes his hammer on the ground, stunning anyone that stands in a cone in front of him for few seconds. Deals 50 damage.


  • Amazing at holding down an objective.
  • Best shield in the game by far. It can protect teammates for a long period.
  • Great at chokepoints. 
  • Can break through enemy defenses with charge.
  • Earthshatter can be combined with other Ultimates for devastating results.


  • Cannot deal a lot of damage on his own. Heavily reliant on team coordination.
  • Very vulnerable to flankers.
  • Requires a healer to sustain pressure.
  • Vulnerable to weapons that pass through his barrier field.
  • Has limited visibility when shield is up.


I love playing Reinhardt. Since the first day I've played this game, I've gravitated towards him. His presence on the battlefield is unmistakable. Reinhardt is always welcome on a team. He can be replaced with other tanks, but none do the job as well as he does, except maybe on Control maps.

There are a few things that are really important to do well with Reinhardt. Most important is positioning and map awareness. While Reinhardt is really easy to control, it's very difficult to be in the right place at the right time. I play him pretty aggressively, but my priority is always to protect my team, especially our healers.

I also see a lot of people playing him that don't use his fire strike nearly enough. It's powerful, it has a short cooldown and it's the best way to charge up his ultimate ability. I use it almost every time the cooldown is up.

As Reinhardt, I love to put pressure on the other team. You'll often see me marching towards the enemy team's front line with my barrier field up. I move forward until it's clear that I will die, then I turn back before it's too late. This helps my team push and pressure the enemy forces.

However, sometimes I know it's time to use a different hero when my team is scattered around and they don't use my shield. In those situations, it seems Zarya and Roadhog are a better choice. My sworn enemy is Tracer, who can move fast enough to avoid almost all my attacks and can kill me relatively easily if I'm not protected by the rest of my team. Mei's and Pharah's ultimates can also be a problem. Finally, a well placed Bastion can be hell for Reinhardt.

Reinhardt is my favorite hero to play, I've got more than 50 hours playing him... It's very satisfying to win as him because you just know you had a big impact on your team.

Worst enemy: Tracer
Best teammate: Soldier 76
Most satisfying kill: Genji

Rating ★★★★★