September 18, 2016


Date played: September 15th, 16th and 17th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Symmetra.

Role: Support
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Shields: 100
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "I don't think so."
Favorite map to play on: Volskaya Industries (defense)


Symmetra's real name is Satya Vaswani. She is a young Indian woman with long, dark flowing hair. She also has hips to fucking die for... She wears a special, sleek visor and one of her arms is mechanical, or maybe it's a prosthesis. 


  • Photon Projector primary fire: A very short range beam that latches onto an enemy. The trick is that it has 3 power levels. After dealing a certain amount of damage, the weapon increases it's power level. At level 1, it's very weak and can only kill the squishiest of squishies, like Tracer. At level 2, it can take on any 200 hp hero, but it's gonna be a fight. At level 3, it melts people faster than a snowman in July.
  • Photon Projector secondary fire: Fires a large orb that passes through barriers and shields. The orb travels slowly and deals high damage.
  • Photon Shield: Casts a 25 hp, regenerating shield on an ally that persists until death.
  • Sentry turret: Small turret that can be placed on any surface. 6 can be active at one time, but there is a cooldown on placing down turrets. 
  • Ultimate - Teleporter: Symmetra will place a portal exit that connects to the spawn room. It has 6 charges and can teleport any ally .


  • Symmetra's teleporter is her redeeming grace. If placed in a good, hidden location, it can turn the tide of battle in an instant.
  • Her primary fire can be terrifying in the right circumstances, killing even tanks with ease.
  • Her secondary fire is an amazing tool to defend chokepoints. 
  • The sentry turrets can be a good scouting tool and can help the team in certain situations. 


  • Has no way to defend herself.
  • Teleporter is easily found and destroyed.
  • Photon Shield ability is nearly useless.
  • Sentry Turrets are weak as shit.


I really, really love Symmetra. She looks cool, her abilities are unique and her weapon is more powerful than most people think. However, she's just not viable in most matches... It's really unfortunate because I love playing her, but it's usually a bad choice. Maybe it would be better if she had a heal of some sort. Maybe her turrets should be stronger (plus, they are weaker on console than on PC for some reason). Maybe her teleporter should be able to be recharged. Maybe she should have some sort of defensive move.

I still play her a few times, mostly on defense of the first point on assault maps. Her secondary fire can work wonders through a chokepoint, dealing heavy damage to anyone foolish enough to walk through it's path.

She can also be very surprisingly powerful on a few control maps. If she can get her little turrets inside the smaller control points, she can then move around like a spider with her beam melting people left and right. It's really tricky to do, but it can work.

I really wish Symmetra was more viable, but that'll take some work from Blizzard to make that happen.

Worst enemy: Winston
Best teammate: Reaper
Most satisfying kill: Zenyatta

Rating ★★