May 13, 2013

Sound Shapes

Creating levels is fun!
Date played: May 10th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I was extremely tired after a long night of partying and drinking and such. At 5am, instead of going to bed, I thought I would play a game until sunrise, just for the hell of it. I settled on creating my first chunk of a level in Sound Shapes. I only tried it briefly when I first bought the game and felt like this would be a nice thing to do when inebriated.

I spent about half an hour learning the tool and building a small level, which isn't completed yet. I haven't decorated or put many objects in just yet as I'm trying to just place notes and terrain that works. I had to resort to putting lava walls in a couple of spots to prevent bugs and weird things. The song I'm making is a bit on the crappy side but it's melodic enough to pass. The platforming is also simple, but still interesting, at least I think so. I'm about two screens away from finishing the level but I also want to add a bunch of cool objects and sounds in there.