May 10, 2013

Fire Emblem Awakening

The Dark Knight in FE isn't quite as badass
Date played: May 9th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

I haven't played my 3DS in a long time because I meant to send it in for repairs. The 3D slider is broken and now all games are stuck in 2D mode. I was supposed to send it in weeks ago but I got lazy and never did it. I will send it soon but in the meantime, I figured I could play a bit more Fire Emblem.

I played two random skirmishes where I sent some weaker units to get a good feel for them, supported by my player character and one other high level. Then I completed one of the story missions where I had to save a swordmaster lady around a village, surrounded by enemies. Thankfully, I'm a bit over leveled and enemies go down quickly without being much of a threat. I sent my flying units in to save the girl while the rest of the team killed off a shitload of red dudes. When I saved the girl, she joined our cause. I didn't really pay attention to the setup for this mission so I'm not sure who she is and why she matters but I know I have a new swordmaster on my team. My player character also evolved into a Dark Knight, a mounted mage that can also use swords.