February 14, 2012

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Date played: February 13th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 240 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Patch 1.4 is out, yippee! I played a shitload of Skyrim today and completed both the Thieve's guild quest line and the Companion's quest line. The last time I played some Companion missions, the game bugged out but this patch fixed it for me.

The Companion's quest wasn't that great, I had to go retrieve the fragments of Wuuthrad in a dungeon and I had to attend their dead leader's funeral. I also had to find his spirit in another dungeon and free him of lycanthropy by dropping some witch heads in a fire. Whatever, I'm their leader now and I'm done with the Companions.

As for the Thieve's guild, it was a lot better. I finally killed Mercer in a room that had a giant statue of what the Falmer looked like before they were blind. Then I had to bring the skeleton key to the Daedric princess. Unfortunately, that isn't enough for the thieves, they want me to improve their reputation by doing repeatable quests before I become their leader. These are by far the worst quests I've played in Skyrim so far. As far as I can tell, I need to complete five mini quests in each of the four major holds, Whiterun, Markath, Windhelm and Solitude. I managed to complete the five in Whiterun and got a final quest that had me forge some ledgers to free a man from jail. I have yet to receive a quest in Markath but I'm close to being done in Solitude and Windhelm.