February 12, 2012

The Darkness II demo

Date played: February 12th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Holy violence Batman! I had played the first Darkness game a few years ago and I had loved it, even if the shooting wasn't great in it. From the demo for Darkness II, it seems like that's fixed. Jackie is back with his two demonic limbs with a taste for eating human hearts. The combat is the first obvious improvement over the first game.

The graphics are also much better, as expected. The developers went with a cel-shaded look that fits the game's ultra violent comic book feel. The demo features a cool scene in a restaurant where Jackie is attacked and has to be dragged out by a friend. Then there was a fairly long sequence in the streets and in a metro station.

There's not much to add, this is a fun shooter with amazing melee combat mixed with gun play. Add to that the fucking insane amount of violence and you've got a fun first person shooter. Apparently it's really short though and it will surely drop in price quickly so I'll wait for a price drop before going back to The Darkness.