May 24, 2017


Date played: May 23rd
Platform: PS4

There's a new event for Overwatch's first year anniversary! There's a bunch of new, amazing looking skins and lots of new emotes and other cosmetics. Also included in the patch are some hero changes, though there's only really two heroes that are getting major changes.

Orisa's damage has been reduced by 9%, which is a lot, but her shield cooldown went down from 12 seconds to 8 seconds. This means she is now better at defending her team, but is less proficient at killing enemies. Hanzo got a pretty big boost also, because his bow fully charges a lot faster, effectively giving him more damage per second.  There's other minor changes, including some changes to how Genji wall climbs and a slight drop in damage to Soldier 76. Oh yeah and Reinhardt got a minor update too! His Earthshatter now climbs up to 2 meters on top of objects instead of 3.

So anyway, today's play of the night was so fucking easy to pick... I had one of my best runs ever as Soldier 76, defending the first point on Hollywood. Granted, the other team wasn't very smart about their team composition or their movement, but still. I even managed to flank them all and get some kills near spawn and survived. It's kind of a longer video, but I get a 25 kill streak in it... so enjoy!