May 13, 2017

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Date played: May 12th
Platform: Switch

I didn't have much time to play games last night, but I still managed to do a bit of stuff in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I spent some time in the Time Trial mode to try out a few kart combinations to be as comfortable as possible in the online mode. I settled on Donkey Kong, with the out of place Mercedes W25 Silver Arrow, a relatively heavy vehicle with high speed and acceleration. I am using Button wheels and one of the lighter gliders. This gives me a lot of speed and acceleration as well as really good handling.
My three online victories from last night
The results spoke for themselves once I hopped online. Out of 4 races in full 12 player lobbies, I won 3 and placed 3rd once. I'm sure I've said this before, but even with all the random items and bias against the top racers, the bottom line is that skill is more important than anything in Mario Kart. Sure, there's the occasional race where items will destroy you, taking a player from 1st place to 12th in a few seconds, but most of the time, a solid racing line and smart driving will yield good results.