May 8, 2017


Date played: May 8th
Platform: PS4

Today was a weird day. Due to massive flooding in my town, most government buildings are shut down, including schools. I decided to take this opportunity to spend some quality time with my daughter, including a quick 30 minutes of Bound.
These sequences are always great
I played through one level, and it wasn't anything that great honestly. The platforming was kind of standard and a little boring compared to what I had seen previously in the game. My favorite gameplay moment was an eerie walk through a cylindrical structure as the perspective twisted around with my dancer. There was also a pretty cool backstory in the level where two giant creatures fight each other. I think one of them was on my side, and the other is a villain.

At the end of the level, there was another carpet sliding sequence, which are really easy, but also a lot of fun and great to look at. My daughter had a smile on her face during the whole sequence.