May 22, 2017


Date played: May 21st
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night is not very flashy, but it still has a very big impact. I played with my brother, who brought his PS4 over for some dual TV play. We had tons of great plays together, but this one might be my favorite of the night. Winston isn't a great killer, and he isn't a great defender, but he's the best hero to harass the enemy team with.

In this play, I roam around the first choke point, messing with Symmetra and Mei. I run back for health packs quite a bit, then I see an opportunity to take down Mei. I jump her and with McCree's help, we kill her. I then take out Mercy and Sombra, protect the point from Junkrat and pop my Primal Rage Ultimate right as I was about to die. I push the enemy Roadhog into a corner, stopping him and anyone else from reaching the point. As I died, I heard the announcer pronounce the first point captured, and I knew I had done my job well.