May 2, 2017

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Date played: May 1st
Platform: PS4

Having recently completed Horizon Zero Dawn, I figured I would play something different, something that isn't an open world game. So I turned on my Xbox One with the intention of finally trying Gears of War 4. Since I almost never play this machines, I had a massive 3.7 GB software update. So I let that run for a while. Then when that was done, I had to update the controller's firmware... Weird, yes, but ok sure, it's not that long. Then the fucking game had to be installed, which takes a while, then download it's own update, sitting at a staggering 37 GB. I let it run and decided to try something else.

I settled on Day of the Tentacle Remastered. While I'm not a huge fan of these old adventure game mechanics, I love the writing, and it's why I come to these games. It was the same with stuff like Monkey Island, Full Throttle or even Grim Fandango. I had never played Day of the Tentacle though, so I was pleasantly surprised by the brilliant writing.

The story is fucking stupid, yet pretty funny. Some tentacles roam around and a purple one drinks from a contaminated water supply. This somehow makes him want to take over the world. The game features three heroes, an old nerdy scientist, a young metal-head guy and a frazzled teenage girl. They get teleported to different eras and areas when using a special device.

I can switch characters at any time to progress their portion of the story. There's also going to be a way to transfer items between them, which I'm sure will play a big role in the puzzles.

Honestly though, what keeps me interested is the flurry of funny jokes, puns and dumb things that happen. It's ridiculous in the same vein as Airplane! or even Monty Python. I solved a bunch of little puzzles, each more outrageous than the next. For example, I stuck a squirrel into an ice cooler to make him more resistant to manual labor (a hamster wheel that powers a big machine). But now the little fucker is angry and won't let me touch him! I don't know if I'll stick with this game, but the writing is good enough that I want to see more of it.