August 7, 2016


Date played: August 5th and 7th
Platform: PS4

Well, I played a little bit of Overwatch on Friday and this morning, but definitely not as much as usual, I had a really busy weekend. Since nothing of particular note happened, I will talk about another map to follow up my post about Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Today, I'll talk about Volskaya Industries.

Volkskaya Industries is a point capture map. The attackers must capture two points on the map as the defenders attempt to stop them. I fucking love this map... It's really well balanced and fun to play on both sides. It's set in Russia, has a bit of snow and has an industrial tone. The opening section of the map is kind of weird because it's quite large. This is all before the first big choke point, so it creates some weird openings.
Volskaya Industries

Sometimes, the defensive team will attempt to disrupt the attackers by going deep into their zone. Sometimes they'll have heroes like Reaper, Genji, Tracer, Mei, Lucio, Roadhog and D.Va push to the spawn room. This can be very successful if everything goes well, but most of the time, it creates an opportunity for attackers to move past the choke point rather easily.

This choke point just might be my favorite in the whole game. There's a large gate with a truck blocking some of it on the defender side. This leads to many epic battles, often involving at least one Reinhardt. There's a side passage after the gate for attackers to flank and move towards the point, so often, teams will try to rush past and get inside the side passage. There's also a small passage on the other side of the gate that can be used by Pharah, Hanzo, Widomaker, Winston, D.Va, Reaper and Genji.

I fucking love playing Symmetra on defense here. There's a lot of room for turrets on the edges of the gate that will deter attackers from entering recklessly. Her teleporter is also very useful here since it's a long walk from the spawn room. On top of that, she can also be very helpful in defending the point with her primary weapon because of the close quarters fighting that is required.

Once past the gate, the capture point is well covered by different platforms for defenders to use. This is a map where a well played Bastion or Torbjorn can make a huge impact on defense. However, once the first point if captured, the real match begins.

The second capture point is set in a huge building, some sort of factory. Again, there's a large choke point, but this one has three other paths for the attackers to use, so it's a bit wilder and more exciting. One of the coolest parts of this map is the floating platforms that move automatically through a large portion of the second capture point. It can be used by less mobile heroes to pass the choke point, like Reinhardt, Zenyatta, Zarya or McCree. I've even seen some clever Bastions and Torbjorns set up their defenses on this thing. It can work surprisingly well, as long as there isn't a Pharah on the other team.

The final point is well protected by multiple paths, bridges and platforms, making it very difficult to attack. However, the defender spawn room is far enough from the point that one good push from the attackers can mean a quick victory.

Typically, I'll play Symmetra, Reinhard, Lucio or Winston on this map, though occasionally I'll also use Mercy, Zarya or McCree depending on team composition.