August 19, 2016

No Man's Sky

Date played: August 17th
Platform: PC

I dove back into No Man's Sky infinite world and made some good progress. I made my way to two new solar systems using the free ship upgrade I got from pre-ordering. Much of my focus was spent on upgrading my exosuit's storage capacity by finding drop pods. This helps a LOT because I can carry more shit with me without having to go to a space station or a trading post to sell what I don't need.

I still enjoy naming planets after I've seen a bit of it. I don't know why I like doing this so much, but it's one of my favorite things to do in the game. I've encountered many aliens now, from the Gek and another race whose name escapes me.

Some of the planets I found were barren, some were full of life, and all were fun to see. I upgraded my suit to have radiation shielding due to some of the planets I was mining on. My multi-tool is much improved also, it can mine for much longer before overheating, so that's good. The animals are all very cool looking too, making it interesting to scan and upload new discoveries.

I contacted Atlas at a Monolith. It was all very cryptic, but I received a new way point on the star chart, and I'm not sure if I will follow it or go to the next solar system towards the galactic core... Also, I plan on changing ships after I exhaust my warp drive fuel reserves, so that's after the next jump.