February 26, 2014

Super Metroid

Date played: February 25th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

I fought and killed the third guardian, and am ready to take on Ridley. I explored all of Maridia and found Draygon's lair, a weird underwater creature with a very powerful attack. He swoops around his lair at high speeds, then switches to a sort of web attack. If Samus is hit by the webs, Draygon grabs her and deals extremely high damage. Even with ten energy tanks and three reserves, I died twice, never being able to deal enough damage to take him down. In my third attempt, I became desperate and tried using every item I had. I tried to use the grapple beam to grab on to the structures when captured, but I accidentally hit some energy beams on the sides of the level. It turns out that I stumbled upon the secret to killing this thing. I held on to the beam and it damaged Draygon to death. His minions carried it's corpse below ground in a morbid funeral.

This opened up a few new doors in the area, where I found the powerful Plasma beam. A high damage upgrade to the bounty hunter's cannon. I also found the Spring Ball, an upgrade that allows Samus to jump while in morph ball form. While it hasn't been very useful, it is practical. Finally, I found the Space Jump, an amazing upgrade that allows Samus to climb up while spin jumping, seemingly forever. It makes almost all platforming challenges moot.

I then headed down into the fiery depths of Norfair to confront Ridley. I made my way through the gauntlets guarding it's lair. While there wasn't much to slow me down here, two guardians gave me a lot of trouble. The two space pirates are invincible except when they jump around. They were very quick and incredibly hard to defeat. I won the battle, but it was fucking sloppy. I found the door to the battle with Ridley, but that's where I stopped playing.