February 17, 2014

Gone Home

Date played: February 17th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

I started and finished Gone Home in one sitting.

This isn't really a game honestly, it's more of an interactive story. You play as Katie, a young woman who is returning home after a long trip through Europe. When she gets there, no one is home. The game consists of navigating the house in first person and finding clues about what happened and where her teenage sister and parents are.

It's mostly about the sister though. I won't spoil this short experience here, but I will say that I enjoyed it quite a bit. I explored the large house's many rooms, including a basement, an attic, bedrooms and even a few hidden passages. The exploration is rewarded with interesting nuggets of info about the life of the family in the form of letters, forms, diaries and notes. Every object can be picked up and scrutinized from every angle. While many objects are pointless, there are many that are very interesting. My favorite part of the whole thing was finding cassette tapes (did I mention this takes place in 1995?) and playing them while exploring. The female punk rockers featured in the game really help to set the mood. Gone Home is worth playing.