February 2, 2014

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Date played: February 1st and 2nd
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

Loot! More loot!

The sea is a treacherous mistress
I find myself playing Black Flag more as a treasure hunt than an action game... Again, most of my playtime was spent gathering treasure, exploring new towns and villages, completing assassination contracts and naval contracts. I even took out a Man 'o-War English ship. I also captured another fort, a well defended one this time. It had 9 structures to destroy for a successful capture, but my ship is really strong now so it wasn't an issue. Speaking of which, I upgraded my ram to it's highest, bought a mermaid figurehead and bought a few more cannons. I feel pretty much unstoppable right now, but I'll wait a bit more before assaulting the dangerous-sounding elite ships.

I also made my way to Kingston, the last big city in the game, but I haven't really done anything here yet.