October 17, 2013

Pokemon Y

Date played: October 14th and 15th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 8/10

Fight, walk, fight, catch, walk, talk, walk, fight, walk, fight, heal, walk, fight.

That's pretty much Pokemon. Now, don't get me wrong, that's quite a lot of fun on it's own, but it's pretty boring as a blog post. My team is starting to take better shape now. Frogadier, Combusken and Ivysaur are my basic water, fire and grass creatures, all of which are very strong for the area I'm in. They are around level 27-29. I also have Pancham around level 16, he is a Fighting type panda creature. I like him a lot, he looks cool and has useful moves. To round out my team, I've added Roselia, a poison/grass type. She was redundant with Ivysaur so I've replaced her with a Ralts, a fairy/psychic type. I also had Pikachu but I got a Helioptile from Wonder Trade so I decided to swap him out. Wonder Trade is pretty cool, you just put a pokemon up for trade and it finds a random partner to trade with.

As for the game itself, I've progressed a bit. I made it to another town, found a place to plant berries, explored a fancy castle and woke up/fought a Snorlax who was blocking the way to the next area. I also fought many trainers in a fancy house where I was referred to as "Baron" then, after winning a lot, "Viscount". That was fun. I am now faced with a cave which I have to travel through to reach the second gym. I've also tried playing a battle against my girlfriend, which was really close for a while, but then we got disconnected. Oh well, next time I guess.