February 1, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 31st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8\10

This kid heard two M60's fighting.
I played a few matches with two of my friends yesterday and I came up against another M60 user.  It's pretty rare honestly and the guy was pretty good.  He did not camp yet did not rush.  We had a few good firefights and it was quite a sight.

The sound of two M60's fighting each other is deafening and scary.  I love this gun hehehe!  I had some good games overall, I'm really liking this 5-6-7 killstreak setup.  I get them pretty often and get a decent amount of kills.  It seems better than getting dogs once every 20 games.