February 7, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 4th, 5th and 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 210 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

No, not THAT Stakeout....
I played a lot of Black Ops this weekend so I thought I would make one post to sum it up.  It was double EXP weekend and that meant that a lot of people were online at the same time.  The highest I saw was on Saturday with an amazing 750,000 people playing Black Ops on PS3 at the same time.  That's pretty crazy if you ask me.

Anyway I played quite a few matches, some with my brothers, some with friends and a few by myself.  It was a lot of fun overall.  I did try something completely new to me.  A Stakeout class.

I was never a fan of shotguns but I was feeling adventurous and I kind of just picked a random weapon I had never used.  The setup I used is Hardline, Sleight of Hand Pro, Ninja Pro, Stakeout, with Grip and a pistol.  I was surprised at how good this gun was in smaller maps like Nuketown, Summit and Firing Range.  Anything bigger and it starts being a bit tougher to use though.  I ended up with games like 17-5 and 22-8.  Not amazing but pretty good considering it's a shotgun after all.

I think I might try other weird guns and setups just for fun, it keeps things interesting.