February 14, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Again, Dead Space 2 is fucking fantastic.  I played through a space-walk zero G sequence and it was cool, intense and unique. Isaac had to reposition two large mirrors that would provide power to the station.  Everything was calm and serene until a large creature popped out of the station and started shooting missile-like enemies at me.

Another light puzzle in a video game?  Meh, it's ok 'cause it's Dead Space.
I shot the large creature in it's soft spots until it died and resumed re-aligning the mirrors.  Then there was one of the best sequences in the game yet.  It was basically a zero-g, high speed obstacle course.  I won't spoil more of it but just know that it was awesome.