February 28, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 25th, 26th and 27th
Platform: PC
Time played: 300 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Level 40 Dire Maul?  Whaaaaaat?
Well, I grinded some instances over the weekend.  I also farmed a few herbs in Western Plaguelands to level my inscription to 174.  This is now a level 35ish zone but it used to be 50+ the last time I played this game and everything is difference now.

I reached level 39 through instances and got Lightwell.  It turns out it's pretty strong but not all groups understand how to use it.  I did Uldaman which is now easier than it's ever been.  I also did SM Cathedral and had the pleasure of looting the nice one hand mace that drops there.  I also did a few runs of Maraudon and even Dire Maul.

Dire Maul is another of those spots that used to be much higher level but is now around the level 40 range.