February 7, 2011

Bulletstorm demo

Date played: February 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

One of my brothers came over on Saturday and I had downloaded this demo previously but had never tried it so I thought it would be cool to check it out with my bro.  Bulletstorm is a first-person shooter but it's closer to Quake than it is Call of Duty.

Tired of realistic shooters?  Try Bulletstorm.
Holy shit this game is crazy.  The demo was really short but full of action.  I mean wow, this game is over the top.  You kick dudes in the air, grab them with a magnetic "leash", fling them around and shoot them.  The weapons are cool, the guitar riffs are cheesy and the kills are brutal.  Actually, it reminded me a bit of Serious Sam.  There is one scene where you can hit a button and a train comes crashing down on five or six guys and splatters them to the wall.

The game seems to be focused on high scores.  You get points for creative kills so it'll be interesting to see if people play to beat leaderboards similar to Geometry Wars and Pac-Man Championship.  I might get this game when it comes out but I'm not decided yet.