February 26, 2011

Dead Space 2

Vintage Circa 2410 AD
Date played: February 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Wow.  This game keeps getting better.  I completed Chapter 10 and started Chapter 11.  Chapter 10 was great, it had good pacing, some good fighting sequences, some nice Zero G and even some closure for Isaac and Nicole.  There was also a nice little surprise for Strauss which I won't spoil.

There was a great sequence on a large elevator.  This is the kind of stuff you see in many games where you  must fight a certain amount of enemies while you reach your destination.  The reason it's better in Dead Space than in other games is that the core game mechanics are just so good.  I took out my Ripper and tore the place apart.

I also bought the Advanced suit and it looks pretty cool but I still prefer the look of the Vintage suit.